Saturday, January 23, 2010

I haven't posted on this thing for like a year now I spend more time updating my website. Although I am kind of feeling the urge to start posting on this thing again. In the meantime I'd stick with checking out my website.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm Out!

Yeah so although I will be leaving Skowhegan on Sunday I will be losing access to internet tonight and since I don't have phone, I will be entering the void for a few days and will begin posting again when I arrive in Boston.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Try to figure this one out.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Last week in Maine

So I know I haven't been posting but that's because I've been very very busy as things wrap up here. With that being said we had a huge party in the sculpture yard (aka my studio area) and I went to the state fair demolition derby and sailed at night with some people on Zach's homemade boat. The picture is of Moo Kwon Han, Zach, and Julienne.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fresco is hard

So I've been doing a large scale fresco in the Fresco Barn/Lecture Hall. Fresco is so so very hard to do, half the trouble is just trying to figure out the/a technique. I made all the paints from grinding raw pigments with water over the past two days and then spent today in it's entirety on the scaffolding. I'll take some more photos of it when it's light again tomorrow. If the other Frescos look weird it's because they have been covered in plastic sheeting for protection from me. I am pretty happy with this one as all the other paintings that's I've tried to make here have failed miserably.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So I was about to shoot some video and had my tripod all set up was getting ready to go when...I saw some spiders and video taped something way more awesome than what I was about to shoot. It's only about 2 minutes long so you should watch it. The quality may be a little bad as I had to reduce the size to post on the internet. In actuality the video quality it very nice.